giovedì 28 ottobre 2010

Blog Binturong

"We are Jason Lim and Asami Takahashi of Atelier Panda. We created Blog Binturong in order to share some of our thoughts, techniques and code. As designers, we are constantly inspired by the amazing work that is shared online and learn immensely from the knowledge that is freely distributed. The design world is greatly enriched by this spirit of generosity. This blog collects some of the generative code, underlying thoughts and techniques of making that goes into our work. A lot of this knowledge has been developed over the course of our design projects: some of it earned through costly trial-and-error, some of it the results of happy accidents, all of it benefiting from resources made available by other designers. This is our way of contributing knowledge back to the wider community. We hope that its contents can be useful and even inspiring to you."

I want to underline the post "Straight to Fabrication" where they announce:

"We are working on a grasshopper component (for version 0.7) that lays out the cutting patterns on a flat sheet. It will incorporate some form of packing logic to reduce material waste. With this component, any changes in the parametric relationships of the grasshopper model will result in automatically updated cut sheets. We plan to release the component once it is done so check back soon or visit Atelier Panda."

Link to blog
Link to post
"Straight to Fabrication"

free and open software in my practice studio

Recently some social-media friends are asking to me about which software i use so i want to share a list of the free and open software i'm using in my little practice studio:

[] CAD

- DoubleCad XT Free -
free 2d cad also for professional use (autocad LT alike ... probably better) the PRO version works in 3d mode
- A9Cad & A9Converter -

[] 3D

- Blender3d -
- SketchUp -

[] Render Engine

- Yafaray -
Global Illumination engine
- Luxrender -
unbiased render engine, recently also with GPU development

[] Graphics

- PaintNet -
really handly software to adjust images
- Artweaver -
photoshop alike (not like photoshop) but it works with psd files
- Inkscape -
a very good alternative to Illustrator
- Scribus -
a very good alternative to InDesign

[] Office

- OpenOffice -
a very good alternative to Office, it works natively with doc, xls, ppt
- Q10 -
a great text editor

[] Visual Map

- Freemind -
- VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) -

I add some others useful free and opensource software:

- topmod3d -
TopMod3d is a free, open source, portable, platform independent topological mesh modeling system
- Syntax2d -
Syntax2D is a free suite of tools for urban and architectural spatial analysis
- K3dSurf -
K3DSurf is a program to visualize and manipulate Mathematical models
- VisIT -
VisIt is a free interactive parallel visualization and graphical analysis tool for viewing scientific data
- SSbump Generator -
SSbump generator is a free Self-Shadowed Bump generator
- WinTopo -
free Raster to Vector Converter
- CamStudio -
opensource CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create AVI files
- Kompozer -
KompoZer is a complete web authoring system

Any suggestions and comments are welcome.


Developed by
"Locust is a behavioral animation plugin initially for Grasshopper then will be ported to Generative Components. The plugin will be based on Craig Reynolds boids and the steering behaviors. Stay tuned for more information. I expect to have a public release witin a few weeks."

Link to Locust post

mercoledì 27 ottobre 2010

Stefano Mancuso: The roots of plant intelligence

So interesting lecture by Stefano Mancuso - Plant neurobiologist.

Link to TED Talk lecture (with italian and others subtitles)

Skin Graph : the Future Walk-in Closet

Very interesting research and work done by Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson and Laura Michaels. Fashion will be surely one of the most productive fields for digitals applications and explorations.

Link to Vimeo video
Link to Grasshopper post
Link to Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson website
Link to Laura Michaels blog


Sito del team di design computazionale formato da Krystian Kwieciński, Erik Thorson e Monika Szawioła. All'interno alcuni interessanti lavori e sperimentazioni e sopratutto l'anteprima di una nuova tool di grasshopper per l' analisi CFD.

Link al sito
Link al post "CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) for Rhino"

venerdì 22 ottobre 2010

taekle's blog

Sono un estimatore di sketchup e lo ritengo uno strumento decisamente valido e con enormi potenzialità. Il blog di Taekle, utente del forum di sketchucation, penso ne sia la conferma. Nel blog appunto sperimenta le Dynamic Components come strumento di Parametric Design con risultati sicuramente incoraggianti.

Link al post "Dynamic Component as Parametric Design Tool"
Link al blog

giovedì 21 ottobre 2010

Delicious List

I just update my Delicious page ....... and want to remember to the blog readers that all the DigitAG& links and many others are in my Delicious bookmarks list, more than 1000 links focused on computational and generative design.

The Secret Life of Chaos [documentary]

Sometimes students and people asking to me how they can start to look at generative design theory and where to find references. This is actually one of my favourite resources to start from for every kind of research approach. Is a 2010 BBC documentary that I would highly recommend.

Link to youtube version (provisional and not official)

venerdì 15 ottobre 2010

archi o logics

"a research site by adolfo nadal"

Link al sito
Link al post "Parametric Ceiling"

giovedì 14 ottobre 2010


"Fishtnk is a Toronto based design studio focused on multidisciplinary design solutions in architecture, product and fashion design."

Link al blog
Link al post "Parametric Furniture Research"


Negli ultimi tempi stanno nascendo nuovi blog che indagano le strategie generative utilizzando Revit. Questo è il blog di Zach Kron - Architectural Designer e Software Analyst per Autodesk.
Link al blog

mercoledì 13 ottobre 2010


A new and promising blog held by Vincenzo Reale.
"PeQUOD is an online travel journal across digital design and architecture"

Link al blog
Link al post "a_3days SCRIPTING"

lunedì 11 ottobre 2010

Ben Coorey

Link al blog
Link al post "Grasshopper to Multiframe Link"

venerdì 8 ottobre 2010


"dplay, the collaborative design enterprise is an intellectual toolbox that favors a computational and technological engagement with the design object; enabling the invention and production of cultur and high performance techno-rational artifacts across domains of architecture, urban design and industrial design."

Link al sito