mercoledì 29 dicembre 2010

giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

karamba - parametric structural analysis for GH

"karamba is an interactive structural analysis program at the interface between architecture, design and engineering. It closes the gap between parametric design and statical assessment."

karamba was developed within a cooperation between the Structural Design Institute at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna and Bollinger-Grohmann-Schneider ZTGmbH Vienna.

Link al sito
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Link al video

mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010

Make a Hybrid

"Make a Hybrid is a relatively incompact and informal study team. Our members are tutors, Doctors and Master's students from Hyperbody studio of Architecture Faculty, TU Delft.
Our core ideology is based on non-standard form finding, interactive behaviours and digital-controled fabrication. We are also concerned about emerging,complex and bionic structures and other cutting-edge research topics.

Make a Hybrid focuses on intersections among learning, researching and teaching, emphasizes intercommunions of designers with different backgrounds, and tries to find integrated measures to employ parametric design, interactive-technology, CNC manufacture and new materials."

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NSO - The Nonlinear Systems Organization at PennDesign

"The Nonlinear Systems Organization is a research organization at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design. Its mission is to explore ways in which architecture can demonstrate, test, and apply insights and theories from mathematics and the sciences - nonlinear, algorithmic, and complex - in the design material structures across an open-ended range of scales, materials, and design disciplines.
The work of the NSO is experimental and treats the activity of design itself as a form of research. The NSO seeks to produce new organizations of matter and life that possess extraordinary beauty, diversity and versatility. By exposing scientists and theorists to the opportunities of applied design, the NSO also seeks to stimulate the further development of science."

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lunedì 13 dicembre 2010

Design Patterns for Parametric Modeling in Grasshopper

Interessantissimo sito di Tsung-Hsien Wang.

"This website is inspired by the Design Patterns website developed by Professor Robert Woodbury at Simon Fraser University. The design pattern examples illustrated here work with Rhinoceros® 3D, NURBS modeler for Windows. All scripts were developed in Grasshopper3D. Feedback is welcome."

Link al sito

MESNE | Research

"MESNE is an innovative architecture and urban design studio, working globally as one office from two locations; London and Melbourne. Operating at the nexus of research and practice, we combine a sophisticated design philosophy with advanced technology in order to create innovative design that addresses contemporary social and cultural agendas."

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Blog di Aaron Willette [ LaN associate ] con alcuni interessanti post e tools sviluppate con Rhinoscript che Grasshopper.

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venerdì 3 dicembre 2010

Mantis v0.1.00

A new tool for grasshopper, by Mohamed Zaghloul, named Mantis which allows to interact with Mathematica directly, the first 3 tools are for generative Cellular Automata "CA".

Link to Mantis blog
Link to Mathematica