martedì 24 maggio 2011

PROTO/E/CO/LOGICS// SPECULATIVE MATERIALISM IN ARCHITECTURE | 2 day Symposium | Rovinj Croatia | 6-7 August 2011



The symposium will tease out speculative directions for architecture that move beyond innocent and reductive approaches to ecology as in notions of "sustainability" and "green". As Slavoj Zizek reminds us, the so called "balance of nature" is in itself a myth since catastrophes have always been an integral part of natural history. Rather than acting from a position of idealization with regards to nature, can we conceive of agency within a condition that isalready artificial, accepting noise and errors, embracing true face of complexity?

Recent tendencies in architecture take a unique point of view, with aesthetically novel and unnatural sensibilities emerging from a close scrutiny and study of apparently natural systems. These speculative tendencies are being driven by mathematical and computational abstractions that transform the way we understand the matter-information relationship. Instead of form being imprinted upon matter, matter is understood as an active agent in its own formation. It promotes dissolution of linear hierarchies, enabling heterogeneous and non-linear nature of complex agencies to hybridize and be incorporated into increasingly complex fabric of architecture. Under this accelerated convergence of matter-information, architecture can begin to speculate its own possible futures within denaturalized material ecology and conditions far from equilibrium.

Symposium is sponsored by Maistra d.d and the Region of Istria

Link to the website

Metamorphic Architecture

"Metamorphic Architecture - Study of architecture design with metamorphosis
The world is filled with metamorphic behaviors. A caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly, and a tadpole metamorphoses into a frog. Besides these individual behaviors, collective behaviors, such as the optimization of ant colony, is also metamorphic (and sometimes emergent). Our trial is to design the architecture of metamorphic artifact by making full use of IT, robotics and smart material technologies. Our vision is to generate the totally new world in which, products lithely react to environmental changes, products create the cosmos through the movement, and products live in symbiotic relationship with human beings. "

Link to the website

lunedì 23 maggio 2011

NEWS 064

Blog held by Jose Luis García del Castillo y López. Inside you can find some interesting tests about the HoopSnake Grasshopper plug-in released by Volatile prototypes.

Link to the blog

giovedì 19 maggio 2011

hoopsnake: Iteration in Grasshopper

"HoopSnake, apart from a legen­da­ry crea­ture, is sim­ple com­ponent for Grasshopp­er. What it does in prin­ci­ple is to create a copy of the data it re­ceives at it's input upon user re­quest and store it loc­al­ly. This dup­licate is made avail­able through a stan­dard Grasshopp­er para­met­er out­put. What turns this op­era­tion from mun­dane to ac­tual­ly pro­mis­ing is the fact that the input of the com­ponent in­cludes some cus­tom pro­gramm­ing to es­cape Grasshop­per's re­cur­sive loop avoidan­ce check. What this means in prac­tice is that it is pos­sible through the use of HoopSnake to send the out­put of a set of com­ponents back to it's input in a loop­ing fash­ion. With the help of a lit­tle bit of Data Tree / Data List man­ipula­tion, this should open up some new pos­sibilit­ies for iterative pro­cess model­ing."

Link to Volatile Prototypes website
Link to hoopsnake post

mercoledì 18 maggio 2011

iaac global summerschool – self(a)rchitecture - torino workshop – 13-28 july 2011

IAAC (Barcelona) is organizing a workshop in Turin within its IAAC global summerschool self(a)rchitecture program.

Local tutors will be: Cesare Griffa, Davide Gomba, Alessio Erioli, Andrea Graziano

It’s a 2 weeks intensive program, from (13 to 28 july 2011) during which we will be thinking architecture in terms of: life sustainable systems, energy consumption, parametric design, software coding, hardware hacking, fabbing, and much more…

for more info: read below and click here to download full program (pdf)

APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN: click here to apply!



*part of the IAAC Global School Project - Barcelona-Turin-Mumbai

Key words: ecology, metabolism, responsive architecture, artificial intelligence, datadriven structures, open data, multiscalarity, digital fabrication, parametric design

Abstract: The IAAC Summer School for the 2011 academic year will continue to investigate multiscalar strategies for the (re) construction of our inhabiting environments (home, city, planet). The last few years of technological, social, political, economic and cultural changes (at both the global and the local scale) demand that we rethink what kind of habitat humanity will live in in the coming decades, given that space in all its aspects (landscapes, cities, places, buildings and bodies) is undergoing dramatic transformations.
The growing interest in managing climate change, in embracing of the green agenda in urban development, in the development of techniques for local energy generation, in the incorporation of information technology into the physical space and other relevant situations, call for a new vision of the evolution of the city and architecture.
This opens up a wide range of possibilities for the development of projects and initiatives that will help transform habitable spaces in keeping with the new requirements of both global and local users.

Self(a)rchitecture is an agenda with research and education goals that combines science and technology with architecture and urban planning. Self-Sufficiency, Self-Fabrication, Self-Organization, Self-Design and Self-and Collective Intelligence are some of the key words on which the academic agenda of the programme will focus.

The final outcome of the programme will include design proposals and the testing of Self(a)rchitecture at three scales:
Scale 1. 1000 people (urban block)
Scale 2. 100 people (urban building)
Scale 3. 1 person (home, shelter)

Producing Self-Sufficient architectural products means, above all, producing more effective organizational systems. The design of the buildings will have special relevance, equipping them to generate the totality of the energy they consume and creating, where necessary, new physiological and metabolic delimitations of the building.
The proposed buildings will be related to a variety of uses (residential, work, commercial, etc) and their users’ needs (micro scale) as well to the specific context and the sum of groups of information (macro scale) Building structures on all three scales will be defined by a set of parameters, which will drive the final designs. These parameters will be generated by geographical characteristics of the specific sites: latitude and longitude, environmental data (temperature, CO2 emissions) and urban context (density, flow of people).

The building is thus converted into a micro-city, with all of the strata of a small city, and is understood as a complete organism, plugged into a substratum by the managing of the input and output of local data and characteristics. The final structures will be treated not only as independent nodes but also as parts of a network — a new urban layer. Such networks and their dynamics will be explored with a view to understanding how information affects the construction of the physical world, and how cities and their built elements can be seen as informational architecture systems. The intention is not simply to interface with the built environment but to implement strategies that will transform built environments themselves into information systems.

Distributed educational model: The IAAC Global Summer School is part of the IAAC Global School project. The IAAC GS (Global School) aims at generating a dynamic network based on distributed knowledge and collective actions.

As part of this initiative, the IAAC Summer School will take place simultaneously at three different sites: Barcelona, Turin and Mumbai. All of the sites will be connected 24 hours a day via videoconferencing to develop the Self(a)rchitecture project through the sharing of knowledge, techniques and experiences. IAAC Summer School participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a unique distributed academic experience, collaborating with fellow students, faculty and researchers from all over the world in an effort to transform Architecture into a tool/platform for rethinking inhabitation (at the planetary, metropolitan, urban, building and habitat scale) by way of a series of new ideas for creating space for human habitation.

Participants: The programme is aimed at students from a variety of compatible fields, such as Architecture, Engineering, Fine Art, Design, Landscape Architecture, Programming, etc.

Calendar: Programme duration: 13-28 July 2011 The programme is structured in three sections:

1 - Digital Design and Parametric Modelling Wednesday 13 July: Introduction 14-15 July: Design proposal development, Grasshopper Tutorials 16-17 July: Design proposal development, Ecotect Tutorials

2 - Interactive and Informational Development 18-19 July: Special workshop, Living Buildings with Enric Ruiz-Geli, project development 20-21 July: Interaction proposal development, Arduino/Programming Tutorials

3 - Digital Fabrication Prototyping 22-24 July: Project Development, Digital Fabrication Tests, Digital Fabrication Tutorials 25-27 July: Global Workshop (all tutors on site), Final Project Development, Prototype Fabrication (scale of prototype to be announced)

Thursday 28 July: Final Presentation, Guest Jury

Faculty: Fab Lab BCN, Fab Lab Network, more to be announced

Experts: Urbiotica, I2Cat, McNeel, Autodesk, Thales Alenia Space

Guest faculty: Vicente Guallart, Willy Muller, Marta Malé-Alemany, Nikos Salingaros, Antoni Brei, Enric Ruiz-Geli, Massimo Banzi and more to be announced

Local Instructors:

Barcelona: Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez
Turin: Cesare Griffa, Davide Gomba, Alessio Erioli, Andrea Graziano
Mumbai: Dipal Kothari-Chhaya, Atrey Chhaya, Renu Gupta, Hemant Purohit

Software: Rhino 4, RhinoCam, Grasshopper, Ecotect, Arduino

Programme Activities: Lectures, Master Classes, Building Visits, Exhibition Visits

References/Bibliography: Successful applicants offered a place at the IAAC Summer School 2011 will be provided with the relevant bibliography, which should be looked through before arriving in Barcelona.

Application Documents: Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

-A completed IAAC Summer School Application Form (available from

-Current Curriculum Vitae

-A photocopy of a valid passport or other accredited I.D.

-Proof of payment of the non-refundable application fee of 50 euros, payable by bank transfer to the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalunya Bank: Caja de Arquitectos, Barcelona (Spain) Account Number: 3183-0800-8200-0064-8636; IBAN: ES86 3183 0800 8200 0064 8636; BIC/SWIFT: CASDESBB

Language: The course language is English, and all sessions, classes, lectures and meetings with supervisors are in English; knowledge of Spanish is not required.

Fee: The tuition fee for the IAAC Summer School 2011 is 2,000 euros.

Scholarships: IAAC will be offering seven special scholarships, to be awarded on the basis of the applicant’s portfolio: Three special scholarships of 100% of the total tuition fee Three partial scholarships of 30% of the total tuition fee One special scholarship (Mohamed Omer Scholarship) of 100% of the total tuition fee

Certification: All participants will receive an official certificate from IAAC and the Fab Lab BCN testifying to their participation in the course and accrediting their knowledge of the software used and expertise in Digital Fabrication techniques.


IAAC Director - Vicente Guallart

Global Summer School Director - Areti Markopoulou,

Global Summer School Coordinator - Tomas Diez

Global Summer School Scientific Commitee - Vicente Guallart, Architect Willy Muller, Architect Marta Malé-Alemany, Architect Artur Serra, Anthropologist I2CAT Nikos Salingaros, Mathematician, University of Australia Florian Foerster, Engineer, BuroHappold Antony Brei, Engineer, Urbiotica Gonzalo de la Camara, Economist

Site Coordinators - Barcelona: Areti Markopoulou Turin: Cesare Griffa Mumbai: Dippal Chhaya

Local Instructors - Barcelona: Areti Markopoulou, Tomas Diez Turin: Cesare Griffa, Davide Gomba, Alessio Erioli, Andrea Graziano Mumbai: Dipal Kothari-Chhaya, Atrey Chhaya, Renu Gupta, Hemant Purohit

Collaborative Companies - Urbiotica, McNeel Europe, Autodesk, Thales Alenia Space

Communication advisor - Pati Nuñez

General Coordination/Admission department - Nota Tsekoura,

Administration/Communication - Laia Pifarre, Tom Zydel.

For more detailed information:

Global School Summer Workshop 2011

giovedì 12 maggio 2011

AA Summer DLAB // 18-29 July 2011

AA Summer DLAB //18-29 July // Architectural Association, London.

Summer DLab experiments with digital design tools and rapid prototyping techniques as integrated systems of design development. Taking advantage of its unique location within the AA premises in the heart of the London, the workshop will create a vibrant atmosphere not only through its rigorous studio work, but also by its public lecture programme that will share the diverse expertise of professionals from London’s leading offices in the areas of digital design and fabrication techniques.

Experimentation with digital tools and physical assembly techniques will be demonstrated through projects that explore a workflow between computational software, engineering-related analysis and digital assembly procedures leading to physical fabrication.

Participants will have full access to the AA Digital Prototyping Lab for the fabrication of prototypes and models in various mediums and materials, such as 2D milling (laser cutting), 3D milling (CNC), 3D printing and other forms of physical production.

The deadline for applications is 27 June. A late deadline of 11 July is also in effect, but this will incur a £50 surcharge. Application forms and additional information are available online at: and .

Applications can be submitted to:

Centipede - Animation Timeline for Grasshopper

Centipede is a new plug-in developed by CEED Studio that allows the user to keyframe the animation of multiple objects in Grasshopper along a single slider.

Link to CEED Studio website
Link to Centipede grasshopper group

Slingshot! Grasshopper + MySQL

Slingshot is a powerful Grasshopper plug-in developed by Nathan Miller which combines the power of parametric design with the most popular open source database: MySQL.

Link to wiki page
Link to the post "Slingshot! Demo: Querying a Mesh"

ECO_LOGIC HABITAT WS - June 27th - July 9th 2011

ECO_LOGIC HABITAT workshop of performative self-construction

June 27th - July 9th 2011
by Paolo Cascone/CodesignLab
2 weeks of full immersion at Casa dell'Architettura di Roma

in collaboration with:
Fabrizio Carola - NEA e Aga Khan Award Architect
AKT engineering (London)

High-tech design / low-tech-construction

Given the urgent need for a sustainable design able to respond to emergency conditions (social/environmental) this workshop is a concrete opportunity for building a scale 1 to 1 prototype of an eco_logic habitat. The design to manufacture process intends to speculate on temporary and environmentally responsive architectural solutions using low-tech and fast deployment construction techniques.

Thanks to Paolo Cascone's innovative approach in the field of ecological design, the 30 years experience of self-construction projects in Africa of Fabrizio Carola and the tremendous experience of AKT engineering in the field of complex structures, this workshop proposes a new way to bridge high-tech design process and low-tech construction.

This workshop will involve both students and tutors on a two phases project: phase 1 / studio based (parametric modelling and environmental simulations) and phase 2 / self-construction based. This with the aim to explore the cause-effect relations between the material system and its performances according to programmatic and spatial needs.

The construction of the scale 1 to 1 eco_logic habitat prototype will be the output of the environmental parametric design master class directed by Paolo Cascone with the aim of unifying theory with practice trough a self-construction experience. The final prototype will be realised in the garden of the House of Architecture in Rome, the opening of the installation will be the 9th of July with a ceremony open to the public.

Admission Requirements
Eligible individuals must be graduate students in architecture, urban design, engineering, or related disciplines.

The deadline for submitting an application is May 25th, 2011

website: Inarch
email :

lunedì 2 maggio 2011

Co-de-iT - "INFLECTIONS – Affecting Aesthetic" Maya ws - Firenze 24-29 maggio 2011

Parametric Design with Maya, MELscript & Plug-ins

Maya workshop _ Firenze _ 24-29 maggio 2011

Ludovico Lombardi & Fulvio Wirz (Zaha Hadid Architects, London) + Niccolò Casas

[.] Descrizione

Co-de-iT organizza, un workshop rivolto a studenti, architetti, designer e modellatori 3d digitali.

Il workshop analizzerà ed approfondirà l'utilizzo del software Autodesk® MAYA come strumento di modellazione per il design di forme fluide e complesse tramite l'approfondimento di tecniche generative, fornendo la possibilità di parametrizzarne i processi logici e investigando nuove possibili strategie progettuali.

Il workshop sarà suddiviso in due moduli correati di 3 giorni ciascuno:
.1. introduzione e basi del software: modellazione mesh, NURBS, rendering
.2. parametric design with MelScript & plugins: utilizzo del software e personalizzazione delle tools per strategie progettuali innovative

[.] Dettagli

. partners
IreCoop Toscana

. tutors:
Ludovico Lombardi & Fulvio Wirz (Zaha Hadid Architects, London) + Niccolò Casas

. luogo:
IreCoop - via Vasco De Gama 27 _ Firenze

. durata:
5 giornate consecutive _ orario 9:00 – 18:00

. costo:
professionisti – 500€
studenti – 300€

. note:
scadenza iscrizioni: 9 maggio 2011 – il corso sarà attivato con un numero minimo di 16 iscritti
al termine sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza. Gli iscritti dovrano venire muniti dei propri laptop con software (Autodesk Maya 2011 o 2012) installato una versione free per 30 giorni è disponibile sul sito Autodesk®.

. contatti:
iscrizioni + info alloggi:
[Cosa offriamo > formazione > altri corsi]
info sul corso:
mail -

scarica la locandina del corso.