martedì 21 giugno 2011
HYbrid BIOstructures
Blog done by Riyad Joucka and Jack Francis.
"A record of the thesis proposal entitled 'Hybrid BioStructures', a dissertation in pursue of an MArch degree at the Emtech program of the Architectural Association."
Link to the blog
IAAC summerschool Torino – 8 scholarship
8 new scholarships for the IAAC Global Summerschool Torino workshop beginning july 13th:
- 1 covering 100% of the fee (it gets free!)
- 1 covering 50% of the fee (2,000 – 1,000=1,000€ fee)
- 6 covering 40% of the fee (2,000-800=1,200€ fee)
APPLY HERE NOW! (organization deadline june 30th)
To apply for the scholarships you need to fill the application documents that you find here ( and a letter of intention for the scholarship.
The revision committee will review your documents and decide on the scholarship
The total payment must be made before the course starts (deadline to pay July 9).
more info here.
borse di studio per master IAAC
Anche quest'anno la Santa & Cole Italia mette a disposizione due borse di studio per studenti / neo architetti italiani che coprono il 50% delle fee di iscrizione al master in Advanced Architecture dello IAAC di Barcellona.
Per maggiori info, leggete il flyer qua sopra, leggete il programma del master, o scrivete una mail a
[via Cesare Griffa]
apomechanes 2011 computational design studio
Ahylo Lab is happy to announce the launch of the apomechanes 2011 computational design studio, to be held from the 25th of July until the 5th of August.
Apomechanes is an international intensive computational design studio held each summer in athens, Greece. The studio is devoted to furthering techniques and concepts of algorithmic processes as means for design and fabrication. Apomechanes brings together individuals from divers backgrounds and fields of study to discuss, exchange and collaborate on projects that investigate modes of algorithmic and machinic processes in architectural design.
Please find attached our press release and advertising poster for the coming studio. We would be delighted if you were willing to post an announcement of the launch of apomechanes 2011. Further material and the works from apomechanes 2009 & 2010 can be found at :