mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

Atelier Yukio Minobe | Architectural Ecologies

A very interesting website.

"Atelier Yukio Minobe was founded by Yukio Minobe as the design studio which explores a new kind of environments integrating of nature and artefact, ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGIES, in the interface between architecture, biology, ecology, environmental engineering and computer science. The atelier has regarded architecture as organisations through materials' adaptations, emergences and metamorphoses under their environments in nature. ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGIES has been defined as organisations being specific to material constituents and their environments, which are emerged through the reciprocity between materials' own behaviours and external influences by environments. Based on the definition of ARCHITECTURAL ECOLOGIES, Atelier Yukio Minobe believes not only that investigations into methodologies for generating such ecologies facilitate higher performances in built environments, but also that they lead us towards a new environment integrating artefact with nature.

Currently Atelier Yukio Minobe has embarked on attempts to instrumentalise the wisdoms of nature for generating performative built environments through developing advanced digital methodologies whereby we can replicate the natural system. The methodologies have linked together from extractions of geometries, material arrangements and generative methods in nature, reconstructions of them as computational programmes and algorithms, and searching into artificial environments asymptotic to nature in terms of performances through digital simulations. With essential developments of digital tools and new design processes, Atelier Yukio Minobe has pursued integrated design methodologies whereby a new kind of artificial environment can be emerged along the natural system."

Link to "Atelier Yukio Minobe" website
Link to "A Study on Architecture in Moving Air" post

giovedì 18 agosto 2011

Generative Algorithms - Concepts & Experiments: Strip Morphologies" by Zubin Khabazi

Very interesting and useful pdf manual (with Grasshopper tutorials inside) about Strip Morphologies released by Zubin Khabazi.

Link to "Strip Morphologies" post

domenica 14 agosto 2011


Blog with some interesting experiments about Grasshopper, dig-fab and arduino.

Link to MetaMaticZoo blog

Relational Geometries

Blog of the course:
ARC 440/640: Computer Applications
Relational Geometries
Spring 2011
University at Buffalo
The State University of New York
Instructors: Omar Khan and Nicholas Bruscia

"Course Description

This techniques seminar introduces students to the next generation of computer aided design tools that facilitate movement between modeling and material prototyping. It will explore methods and techniques of parametric modeling; an approach to design that frames the problem of form-making as an interaction of multiple material systems. We will take the topic of parameters and variables as a theme to be interrogated through different types of computing , including NURBS modeling in Rhinoceros 4.0, scripting in Grasshopper 0.8 (or newest release), physical computing with the Arduino microcontroller and rapid prototyping with the Universal Laser Cutter, ZCorp 3D printer, CNC Router and Plasma Cutter. The semester will be broken into 2-3 week problems that will focus on specific methods and technologies. We will take inspiration from formal organizations found in nature that aggregate, cluster, crowd, flock, and flow. These will be studied carefully to understand how their dynamic behavior articulates itself into form.

Course Objectives and Outcomes

The course's objective is to use current digital design tools to develop productive techniques for architectural design. Students will become proficient in the use of these tools as well as cognizant of their potential affordance within the design and fabrication process."

Link to Relational Geometries blog
Link to "Reservoir Wall" post

mercoledì 10 agosto 2011

NEWS 066

neoarchaic - Radial Hexagon
Parametric model - many posts
Buildz - Iron Python Scripting in Revit
BIOS - BIOS-FIN system = Algae Biofiltration to Biofuel Building Facade System
Urban Future organization - uts open agenda – honourable mention
n-fold geometry - Cross Pattern 4
Volatile Prototypes - Reaction-Diffusion in Processing
[n]igma - semi rigid car
@[UTO] - Mesh Analysis and Utility Component UPDATE v1.0.9.0
the proving ground - IronPython with Vasari
the proving ground - The Supershape Returns... with Vasari and IronPython
the proving ground - Genome Database using Slingshot!
LMNts - ACADIA/FLATCUT Competition Entry
LMNts - Grasshopper Canvas with Kinect Interaction: Part 1
4ofSeven - 1011AA کش Inconsistencies - MultiExtrude Maya Python Script Added
Alt N research - Project BlackBox – Development
digital[sub]stance - AgentTropism - Agent Responsive Canopy Structures
John Locke - light it up
Hybrid BioStructures - Fabric / Concrete Cloth Testing
Hybrid BioStructures - More CC Testing/ Manipulating Form
I Eat Bugs For Breakfast - On getting lucky in higher dimensions
Generative Design - Digital Sketching
Generative Design - End of the road for the turbo-charged drawing board?
P&Alab - DDD_127 Exhibition Poster :City_God_Image (Processing)
SoftRigid - Dynamic Performance of Nature_13
ModeLab - Grasshopper | Algorithmic Processes
ModeLab - Grasshopper | Object Types
Performative Design - Analytical Space Inspection
PARAsite - AAC Fabrication Workshop
Digital Morphogenesis - CAAD Futures 2011
Heumann Design/Tech - GH Unit Conversion Script
complexitys - Flash and Flux RSS paramétriques
Robots in Architecture - Parametric Robot Control Workshop @ CAAD Futures 2011
the leda atomicus - LoveLace

mercoledì 3 agosto 2011

Decker Yeadon - NY

"Decker Yeadon is a Brooklyn, New York-based architectural research firm that is as comfortable entering competitions as it is with nanotechnology. Trained as architects but fascinated by chemistry, co-founders Martina Decker and Peter Yeadon are using carbon nanotubes to experiment with new building materials that move without a motor. Their research could lead to innovations such as window shades that open and close depending on the room temperature, no mechanical parts needed. Watch their NanoINK transform an ordinary strip of printer paper into a flexible electrical conductor."

Link to Decker Yeadon website
Link to GOOD website inteview to Decker & Yeadon


"Formologix is an experimental design and research laboratory specializing in exploring digital tectonics and fabrication through the intersection of design, computation, and science. In this website, you will find about our researches,services and collections of our projects as well as a blog documenting the work of our networks."

Link to Formologix blog