martedì 23 aprile 2013

NEWS 075

Responsive Skins - A New Way of Visualizing Solar Radiation
LMNts - Processing and Optimization Solvers
the proving ground - Blender Python: 3D Supershape
Harri Lewis - Planar panels
Geometry Gym - IFC - What It Is and Why You Should Care?
Spatial Slur - Pheromone Targets
urban future organization -  future bubble
dothemutation - VENEZIA 02.13. LA MUTAZIONE
LMNts - Acoustic Reflection Form Finding
Generative Design Computing - surface domain 3D | rhinoscript python
n-fold geometry - Alhambra Pattern 4
MESH - PhysX for Rhino/GH: Proof of Concept
Plethora project - Gamescapes
Robots in Architecture - kuka|prc updated for 2013
designalyze - Custom Toolpaths From Surface Isocurves (Part 1: Grasshopper)
ErrorByErrors - Error_130203_Recursive Subdivision
popabczhang - 3D Cellular Automaton in Python for Rhino
n-fold geometry - Muqarnas Vault
form follows functions - EquilibriuMesh
MATSYS - Shellstar Pavilion
4ofSeven - Soft to Hard Canopy
CASE - Sneak peek of CASE Apps Grasshopper Plug-in
christopher whitelaw - many new posts
designcoding - many new posts
Digital[Sub]stance - Nudibranch + Millipede | Realitme Flowing Isosurface Definition
Digital[Sub]stance - Cushion Panels Script in Python for GH
Nervous System - OBJExport library – export color meshes from Processing
Alberto Pugnale - Computational Morphogenesis with Karamba/Galapagos – ...
Designalyze - Planar Quads
LMNts - Casting Experiment
Alberto Pugnale - Form-finding – Comparison between Karamba and Kangaroo
john locke - =)
LMNts - Fluids in Processing
LMNts - Updated Contour Tool
LMNts - TCPA – Mockup of Feature Wall
Spatial Slur - VolatileTerritories
LMNts - Grasshopper in the Office
code quotidien - HEM functions
code quotidien - Straight Skeleton (imperfect)
PYC/WEBLOG - many posts
Alberto Pugnale - Multi-Objective Optimization of shells – a simple benckmark with Grasshopper, Karamba and Octopus
Alberto Pugnale - Form-finding of reciprocal structures with Grasshopper and Galapagos
P&Alab - HyperCell_so_far (Processing)
Ben Coorey - Smart Geometry 2013: Developing the Interface
Nervous System - Nervous System x Constrvct collection
The Proving Ground - Slingshot! is now OPEN SOURCE
Morphocode - Interaction Study with Kinect and Cinder
Alberto Pugnale - The church of Longuelo – Parametric model and optimization with Grasshopper, Karamba and Galapagos
Blender CAM - update 0.2.2 - A Large amount of the plugins for Generative Components have gone Open source
Computational Matter - [T]ape Gunned
Reza Ai - Deadmau5 + Rezanator

venerdì 12 aprile 2013


™ is a London based design studio found in 2011. The practice runs based on a design research which search for coherent local behaviors generating highly affected global outcome exploring the relationship between design process and the final product. The practice is interested in conducting parametric and algorithmic design research within architectural design and seeks for architecture actively engage and change in different time and environment which is highly controlled within intelligence of design, within systemic research through computation, robotic, structural engineering, sustainable engineering and parametric control systems.

Link to 'SoomeenHahm' website