mercoledì 5 novembre 2008

Smart Structural Interpreter

Interessantissimo script e relativa toolbar di connessione fra Rhino e Oasys GSA per l'analisi strutturale dell'ingegnere Jon Mirtschin. Sul sito sono visibili anche alcuni video di "porting" fatto tramite grasshopper.

3 commenti:

  1. Mamma mia..troppi link interessanti! Non faccio in tempo a seguirli tutti! :-D
    C'è un'invasione di cavallette!

  2. hi, glad to know you and thank you for your attention of my blog.
    i'll introduce my project later on in my blog.
    I'm geting start with grasshopper just one week ago but already apply it into to project, one real project - shanghai aquatic sport center, and one international competition in dubai.
    I'd like to ask you a question, can we operator RhinoScripting in the grasshopper seamlessly?

  3. hi, glad to know you and thank you for your attention of my blog.
    i'll introduce my project later on in my blog.
    I'm geting start with grasshopper just one week ago but already apply it into to project, one real project - shanghai aquatic sport center, and one international competition in dubai.
    I'd like to ask you a question, can we operator RhinoScripting in the grasshopper seamlessly?
