mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011

NEWS 067

Dima's blog - Thesis M.Arch
Dima's Blog - Random Stuff - Randomizer for Revit
Digital[Sub]stance - Point Attractor – Grasshopper GHUser Object
Digital[Sub]stance - Digital [Sub]stance Grasshopper User objects
Arch:Digital - Kinect + Grasshopper
Arch:Digital - Kinect + Grasshopper + Arduino (updates)
Heumann Design/Tech - Aluminum Folding for Sarah Oppenheimer
Ernesto Bueno's Blog - Growing a new L-E-G
Morphogenesism - Generative Algorithms_CaE_Strip Morphologies
P&Alab - Pixel_Lions(grasshopper)
The proving ground - An Energy Model... of Earth? ASHRAE + Slingshot!
ArchitectureInCombination - Dragonfly: New AI Agent engine based only on Perception
Spatial Slur - BifurMoire
P&Alab - snake_Form (processing)
NeoArchic - Project GT
Eat a Bug - Experimental Wood Structures at ETH
Eat a Bug - Open Source Architecture?
n-fold geometry - Floral Pattern On Hex Grid
Woo Jae's blog - Design Thesis, Cornell M.Arch - REORGANIZING PROCESSOF UNITE D'HABITATION
The Geometry of Bending - Hinge Force in Kangaroo
Architecture In Combination - Emitters and Sprites
Space Symmetry Structure - Patents, Precedents and Geometry
Breaking the blanks - Miura-Ori Grid on Vimeo
Elise Elsacker - Osceleton & Kinect in Grasshopper
Digital Design & Computation - Galapagos for Wing Optimization
Geometry Gym - Mesh False Color
Generative Design - Are we like bacteria now ?
The proving ground - Blender Particle Systems with Grasshopper
n-fold geometry - Four Point Stars
z4d - Mantis v0.4 beta
Digital Morphogenesis - Datamining Grasshopper - Remote Sliders - Qhull for GC updated
P&Alab - Swarm_Mesh
P&Alab - SinCosSin ( processing )
PARAsite - USC wins NASA grant to design structures on Moon
peer produced space - Super Super: Przemiany Festiwal
PROJECTiONE - Black Acre Prototype
Make a Hybrid - Swarm system with Grasshopper+Ghowl+Kangaroo
MadeInCalifornia - rh_PhyTower wip01
BIOS - Parking Day – with Studios Architecture and Holmes-Culley Engineers
Live Components NY - 4_6 PANELIZED FOLDING
The leda atomicus - 20,000 Agents on Meshes
Digital Morphogenesis - DesignScript – Autodesk
P&Alab - SwarmCell (processing + grasshopper + gHowl + weaverBird)
P&Alab - Swarmy (processing + grasshopper + + gHowl + weaverBird )
Generative Design - Post Parametric Revolution
ahylo - e^zCos(y)=Cos(x)
designedbyenergy - Performative Topologies
Digital Design & Computation - Galapagos for Wing Optimization
Elise Elsacker - EEG and biofeedback architecture
a-ngine - [P5] - swarming
Generative Design Computing - Parametric Origami
Generative Design Computing - Data Trees
Hybrid BioStructures - HYBIOS 4.0/ Modeling Construction Logistics
I Eat Bugs For Breakfast - Obfuscation, fear and loathing.
Performative design - Real-Time Site Analysis - For Android
Volatile prototypes - 2011 / ReactP5 for Processing
A-ngine - [P5] - aggregation
Geometry Gym - Rhino/Grasshopper to Tekla
Dima's blog - In-Place Masses as Utility Elements / Helpers. Part 1 (no API)
Urbana - reef
[n]Codon - Free-form & flat quads with Rhino.Python
New Fabrications for Architecture - Thesis video, sci-arc
The proving ground - Force-Based Data Visualization
[n]igma - emergen[cy]
Live Components NY - PROJECT : La Fabrique Sonore
LMNts - DIVA is Awesome and Everyone Should Use It
MadeInCalifornia - many posts
Digital[Sub]stance - Curve Attractors + Ascending-Descending Attractor Values GH User Objects
The leda atomicus - Mesh Colour Components
The leda atomicus - Vertex Paint -> Grasshopper Extrude
The Proving Ground - What's New in Slingshot! Database v0.8?
Lift Architects - A Five-Axis Robotic Motion Controller For Designers
Eat a bug - Modelling Funicular Structures
Eat a bug - 3D Printed Stone Vault
Geometry Gym - IFC MEP and Reinforcement
Spatial Slur - Smells Like Stigmergy
Blog Binturong - Some Thoughts from Acadia
complexitys - Re-Thinking CAD Standards: Why there's never a good time, and never a better time…
Computational Matter - Pleat Diddy
Computational Matter - Big Bird
Computational Matter - "Hey Nice Tube"
DesignEmergente - Spatial distribution in buildings through Genetic Algorithm, micro scale
DesignEmergente - Genetic algorithms as Generative Design System, half scale
generative design computing - origami | rhinoscript - python
Digital[Sub]stance - Parametric HoneyComb Boundary / 3d Print
Lift Architects - A Five-Axis Robotic Motion Controller For Designers
[n]igma - puffer pleatness
Michal Piasecki - WWAA: private gallery mock-up

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