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martedì 30 giugno 2009
Segnalo l'interessantissimo
blog del corso Cad Logic
presso il
Dessau Institute of Architecture
tenuto dal prof.
Daniel Dendra
. Veramente notevole lo script disponibile "
Nurbs Relaxation Rhino Script
" ed i numerosi esempi di applicazione postati.
lunedì 29 giugno 2009
NEWS 031
Erdine-Baskin - .NB COSTA LOUNGE
NeoArchaic - Range Rebuild
@[uto] - Streamlines
@[uto] - branches
Design ReForm - Catia/DigitalProject - many post
Design reform - Sending Curves from 3ds Max to Rhino
Un Didi - Grasshopper and Processing talking via OSC
arquitectura y Programacion - Algorithmic Aesthetics
wework4her - maya-isoSurface node: wip
wework4her - OF-maya-p5 conxns
Geometry Gym - Shape to Fabrication 3 - London April 2009
popabczhang - Grasshopper - gmp - SOSC _ #02 - mockup
LAN - vb.Net + Grasshopper: Surface Panels
LAN - vb.Net + Grasshopper Surface Curvature
LAN - vb.net + grasshopper: adaptive surface subdivision
Beyond The Light Bulb - GH - Paneling Definition
WorkshopsFactory - The waving wall
sac3's digital plastic - Grasshopper | Voronoi diagram
eSCRIPT-O - 090622- surface panelization from gaussian curvature- (buggy WIP)
g.d.e.s. - colaboration / flying surface
culagovski.net - Rhinos and pythons, oh my
Liquid tectonics - RhinoHair Alpha 0.1.1 Released
PROG - Grace Hopper e Grasshopper, una strana coincidenza
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