Responsive Skins - A New Way of Visualizing Solar Radiation
LMNts - Processing and Optimization Solvers
the proving ground - Blender Python: 3D Supershape
Harri Lewis - Planar panels
Geometry Gym - IFC - What It Is and Why You Should Care?
Spatial Slur - Pheromone Targets
urban future organization - future bubble
dothemutation - VENEZIA 02.13. LA MUTAZIONE
LMNts - Acoustic Reflection Form Finding
Generative Design Computing - surface domain 3D | rhinoscript python
n-fold geometry - Alhambra Pattern 4
MESH - PhysX for Rhino/GH: Proof of Concept
Plethora project - Gamescapes
Robots in Architecture - kuka|prc updated for 2013
designalyze - Custom Toolpaths From Surface Isocurves (Part 1: Grasshopper)
ErrorByErrors - Error_130203_Recursive Subdivision
popabczhang - 3D Cellular Automaton in Python for Rhino
n-fold geometry - Muqarnas Vault
form follows functions - EquilibriuMesh
MATSYS - Shellstar Pavilion
4ofSeven - Soft to Hard Canopy
CASE - Sneak peek of CASE Apps Grasshopper Plug-in
christopher whitelaw - many new posts
designcoding - many new posts
Digital[Sub]stance - Nudibranch + Millipede | Realitme Flowing Isosurface Definition
Digital[Sub]stance - Cushion Panels Script in Python for GH
Nervous System - OBJExport library – export color meshes from Processing
Alberto Pugnale - Computational Morphogenesis with Karamba/Galapagos – ...
Designalyze - Planar Quads
LMNts - Casting Experiment
Alberto Pugnale - Form-finding – Comparison between Karamba and Kangaroo
john locke - =)
LMNts - Fluids in Processing
LMNts - Updated Contour Tool
LMNts - TCPA – Mockup of Feature Wall
Spatial Slur - VolatileTerritories
LMNts - Grasshopper in the Office
code quotidien - HEM functions
code quotidien - Straight Skeleton (imperfect)
PYC/WEBLOG - many posts
Alberto Pugnale - Multi-Objective Optimization of shells – a simple benckmark with Grasshopper, Karamba and Octopus
Alberto Pugnale - Form-finding of reciprocal structures with Grasshopper and Galapagos
P&Alab - HyperCell_so_far (Processing)
Ben Coorey - Smart Geometry 2013: Developing the Interface
Nervous System - Nervous System x Constrvct collection
The Proving Ground - Slingshot! is now OPEN SOURCE
Morphocode - Interaction Study with Kinect and Cinder
Alberto Pugnale - The church of Longuelo – Parametric model and optimization with Grasshopper, Karamba and Galapagos
Blender CAM - update 0.2.2 - A Large amount of the plugins for Generative Components have gone Open source
Computational Matter - [T]ape Gunned
Reza Ai - Deadmau5 + Rezanator