Beyond the light bulb - Les Fleures Electriques - WIP
Un Didi - RhinoScript: Adaptive Fenestration and Massive Unroll
4ofSeven - 0708 [WS] 3-1 Assembly
Fun - Time to start
Ctrl-i - Two Surface Space Frame (MEL)
Nullthing - Random Color
PEJA TransArchitecture research - Riproducibilità VS Automorphing
S.S.S.S. - Finite Element Analysis
IaaC Blog - 635
Rhinoscript.org - orhinogami
eSCRIT-O - 080630_MAB-FPS (multi attractor based flat panel skin)
Erdine-Baskin - Facade Design Ver.01
2 commenti:
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrazie!!!!per il link!!!!!un saluto!
manulespaul59 from btlb.blogspot.com
ehi amico grazie del link! ;)
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