LIFT architects - Suspended Ceiling using Grasshopper and Rhinoscript
un didi - boring random surface
S.S.S.S. - CATIA scripting
sac3's digital plastic - Grasshopper | Tree
Rhinoscripting Resources - RhinoScripting BLOG & WIKIs by Region
ParaMod.net - ...in progress project from our Office
g.d.e.s. - Circle Packing
sac3's digital plastic - RhinoScript | Voronoi gradiant
eSCRIPT-O - 080827- the skelletor
paraclouding.com - Workshop: Digital_Design_Fabrication with Paracloud
RhinoScript.org - Spacial Subdivision
1 commento:
hello andrea,
just wanted to say that your news report is very usefull. thanks again!
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