Sherpa - Linear Congruence Method of Randomness in RhinoScript
eat a bug - Mesh Deformer
allaboutcode - xScatter plugin final
ctrl-i - Two Surfaces Twisted Box
ctrl-i - Pixel-scape
matsys - FLUX: Architecture in a Parametric Landscape
workshopsfactory - brick wall_fabrication
woo jae's blog - Grasshopper Workshop at Cornell Architecture (pdf tutorial)
lift architects - Using a Wii Nunchuck to Control Grasshopper
lift architects - Using Grasshopper to Control a Pan/Tilt Servo
NeoArchaic Studio - [many new scripts]
Rhino news - Kubrix® hexahedral meshing in Rhino
design reform - SketchUp 7 - Tools, Plugins, and Scripts similar to Rhino, Max, Maya, and Revit
Parametrica - Resultados Workshop Parametrica D.O.F.
peer produced space - Ars Electronica 2009
Geometry Gym - 3D Printing and Rapid Prototyping
BIOS - AIASF Parametric Canopy Install Photos
Workshops Factory - Protospace 3.0 – design proposal/generative procedure
ParaMod.net - Intro Rhino Tutorial - Solids
ParaMod.net - Rhino - Misc Modeling Tips
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